Расширенные модификаторы Левинсона. Систематика и классификация минералов, горных пород, метеоритов, окаменелостей. ✉ info@kristallov.net
Классификация и систематика минералов,
горных пород, окаменелостей, метеоритов
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Комиссия IMA по новым минералам и названиям минералов: нормы и рекомендации по номенклатуре минералов, 1998 Расширенные модификаторы Левинсона

Extended Levinson modifiers

As noted above, Levinson modifiers are used primarily in the nomenclature of rare-earth minerals. In a few cases, however, the procedure has been extended to other mineral groups that can contain different substituting elements in one or more structural sites, e.g., jahnsite and pumpellyite. In zeolites, such modifiers are used without parentheses to indicate exchangeable cations. In general, the use of extended Levinson modifiers is acceptable in cases where only one substituting element is suffixed, but suffixes consisting of multiple elements are conditionally acceptable in cases where the structure is complex, and use of such suffixes simplifies the nomenclature.


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