ОБРАБОТКА ЗАЯВКИ НА НОВЫЙ МИНЕРАЛ. Систематика и классификация минералов, горных пород, метеоритов, окаменелостей. ✉ info@kristallov.net
Классификация и систематика минералов,
горных пород, окаменелостей, метеоритов
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Комиссия IMA по новым минералам и названиям минералов: нормы и рекомендации по номенклатуре минералов, 1998 ОБРАБОТКА ЗАЯВКИ НА НОВЫЙ МИНЕРАЛ


When the chairman of the CNMMN receives a new-mineral proposal from authors, either directly or via the national new minerals committee in the country of origin, he will acknowledge receipt of the proposal, and may write to the authors asking for more information if he considers this desirable, or he may point out possible objections either to the mineral or to the name. If the authors so desire, the chairman is required to submit a proposal to the CNMMN whether or not he approves of it. In such cases, the chairman will inform the authors that he will give his reasons as to the unsuitability of the proposal under “Chairman’s Remarks”. The chairman’s abstract of a proposal is sent by air mail to each member of the CNMMN, and approximately 60 days are allowed for receipt of voting papers.

Members of the CNMMN are urged, not only to vote, but also to comment in detail. The chairman is authorized to suspend voting on a proposal to enable more information to be obtained, or he may call for a second vote on a proposal if, in his opinion, important comments made by members should be seen by all the members. Second votes have the same voting periods (about 60 days) and require the same majorities as those for original proposals (see below). Any member of the CNMMN who objects to a proposal may ask the chairman to suspend voting or to call for a new vote, but the final decision to do so rests with the chairman.

Abstracts of proposals dealing with opaque minerals may be sent to some members of the IMA–COM at the discretion of the Chairman. Similarly, the chairman may submit abstracts of any proposals to other specialists for advisory opinions. Such advisors do not vote, but their comments are considered by the chairman. Serious objections raised by any advisors are to be treated by the chairman as specified above.

Proposals dealing with minerals belonging to mineral groups for which subcommittees have been organized by the CNMMN may be sent to the appropriate subcommittee chairman for circulation among the subcommittee members if the CNMMN chairman thinks such action is advisable. Subcommittee members are invited to submit opinions, and serious objections raised by them are to be treated as specified above.

If two or more proposals for the same new mineral are received by the chairman, the proposal that arrived first in the chairman’s office will have priority. Exceptions can be made if the new-mineral proposal has been submitted via a national new-mineral committee and if the CNMMN chairman has been given prior notification of the receipt of the proposal by the national committee.

A proposed new mineral will be considered approved if more than half (1/2) of the members of the CNMMN vote on the proposal, and if more than two-thirds (2/3) of these members have voted “yes”. A proposed name will be considered approved if more than one-half (1/2) of the members who vote on the proposal vote “yes”. In assessing the voting results, an abstention is regarded as a negative vote, as it suggests that additional information is required. After the voting on a proposal is completed, the chairman sends the results to the CNMMN members and to the author of the proposal. He includes the comments of the voting members, but the votes of individual members are not disclosed. Reconsideration of adverse votes can be requested by an author at any time if significant new data or new interpretations are obtained. If a mineral is approved, but not the name, a new name should be requested by the chairman when he notifies the author of the voting results. In cases of repeat voting, approvals of the mineral and the name require the same majorities as in the original voting.

Authors who have described new minerals without names do not have any priority rights on the subsequent naming of such minerals. However, as a matter of courtesy, it is recommended that a person proposing a name for a previously unnamed mineral communicate with the original authors of the unnamed mineral. Any new names proposed subsequently have to be approved by the CNMMN, as do the minerals for which the names are proposed.

The publication of a non-approved name or the publication of a name for a non-approved mineral is not acceptable, and journal editors should guard against the introduction of such names.


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